military_techScout Team auto_awesome150 favorite95%
place Greenville, SC
school Construction Science And Mgt
work Residential Builder / Remodeler
brush outdoor activities, working out, Judo, drinking good beer
accessibility_new Joined 2000-01-18
search Last Seen 2023-06-22 19:35:08.0
visibility Views 68
edit Posts 238
person Followers 0
I left Clemson to join the Marine Corps, one class short of graduating. Stupid I know, but I was very compelled at the time. I didn't give up on graduating though. While in the Corps I attended Campbell University and received my degree; the same day that my active duty status ended. What a party! Anyhow I attended Clemson University from 1989-1996 minus a year for working to put myself through school and a year and a half for co-op work.
Work is very consuming of my time but I do my best to stay up to date with what is going on in Tiger Town. I'll always be a Tiger, and truly my blood runnith ORANGE!